One crisis invariably leads to a crisis of another kind
The Covid-19 pandemic is unquestionably a health crisis. That said, just focussing on the health aspects of the virus is too narrow a perspective. There is a lot more going on than a healthcare challenge. If we reflect back to the most recent global crisis – the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008 – we remember that it was labelled …
Governments have to weigh feedback loop of health and business crises
Though the Covid-19 pandemic is unquestionably a health crisis, focusing only on the health aspects of the virus is too narrow a perspective. Much more is occurring than a health-care challenge. The global financial crisis of 2008 originated from poor financial practices. The lasting consequences of the financial crisis led to a business crisis, which led to a health-care crisis. …
The doomsayers will be wrong again
Keep learning, evaluating and looking forward, because the world will keep changing A quick look around will remind us that life can change quickly — as we are experiencing in the coronavirus era. Nothing lasts forever, not even the virus, say the world’s leading epidemiologists. We certainly don’t, nor do businesses, or leaders, movements or political parties. It is important …
Seven cures for a lean purse
– Age-old money lessons from 1926 that apply in 2020 There is much uncertainty in the world today and the effects of the coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact on the financial and emotional well-being of many South Africans. COVID-19 and the consequent lockdowns have plunged many countries into recession in 2020 with the steepest per capita income contraction …