Fred Wagenvoorde

Relief for those burdened by school fees

CatalystEducation, Tax

Gross income exemptions through employer provided bursaries and scholarships Paying school fees is often a cumbersome task, particularly if you provide financially for more than one learner. There is, however, some relief for parents and guardians. The Income Tax Act1provides an exemption relating to a bona fide scholarship or bursary awarded to an employee or their relative to assist with …

Making a case for offshore investing

CatalystEducation, Investment

State capture, corruption, land expropriation without compensation. These are all terms that have become part of the South African lexicon and part of our daily reality. According to the recent 2020 Bloomberg Misery Index which ranks major economies by inflation and unemployment expectations, South Africa is the third-most miserable economy in the world. Not surprisingly, the Rainbow Nation’s economy is ranked only after …

How to review our companies and strategies for the post-pandemic world

CatalystEducation, Lifestyle, Planning

By Andrew Bradley 15 Nov 2020  The Covid-19 pandemic is unquestionably a health crisis. That said, just focusing on the health aspects of the virus is too narrow a perspective. There is a lot more going on than a healthcare challenge. The most recent global crisis before this pandemic – the global financial crisis (GFC) of 2008 – was labelled a financial …

Seven cures for a lean purse

CatalystEducation, Illness, Investment, Lifestyle, Planning, Retirement, Savings

– Age-old money lessons from 1926 that apply in 2020 There is much uncertainty in the world today and the effects of the coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact on the financial and emotional well-being of many South Africans. COVID-19 and the consequent lockdowns have plunged many countries into recession in 2020 with the steepest per capita income contraction …